Navigate the instructor Class Homepage

After you are assigned as an instructor for a class, you will have access to the Class Homepage for each of the classes you are teaching.

Sample Class Homepage for an instructor.

TIP: A Class Homepage is accessed by clicking on the class name from the System Homepage.

On the System Homepage, click on one of the classes in the list under Classes where my role is Instructor.

TIP: You can return to the Class Homepage from almost anywhere within your class by clicking the class name in the Möbius breadcrumbs.

Click on the Class Name at the top of the page under the Mobius logo and to the right of the Home icon.

NOTE: Depending on your role or settings defined by your organization's Möbius administrator, your Class Homepage and privileges may be slightly different than what is shown in this help topic. Example — You might be an instructor with a customized role that can't create classes. Therefore, the Add Child Class button will not be available to you in the Class Details pane.

Instructor menus

On the instructor Class Homepage, a range of navigation menus are available (depending on your privileges):

The Mobius navigation menu for instructors is at the top of the Class Homepage.

Class User Manager

The Class User Manager menu contains options relating to managing the users in your class:

For Class User Manager options, click on the first menu from the left at the top of the Class Homepage.

  • Search for Users — Perform a basic or advanced user search within your organization or within a specific class (check out Search for a user).
  • Show Active Users — View which users are currently using the system (check out View active users).
  • Import Users From Roster — Enroll students into your class using a user roster file (check out Enroll users into my class).
  • Remove Users From Roster — Unenroll students from your class using a user roster file (check out Remove a user).
  • Enroll Users — Enroll users into your class through a user search (check out Enroll users into my class).
  • Remove Users — Unenroll students from your class using a user search (check out Remove a user).

Proctor Tools

The Proctor Tools menu option navigates you to the Proctor Tools to find proctors and to proctor an activity (check out Use Proctor Tools).

For the Proctor Tools, click on the second menu from the left at the top of the Class Homepage.

Content Repository

The Content Repository menu option navigates you to the Content Repository where you can manage your class content (check out Understand the Content Repository).

For the Content Repository, click on the third menu from the left at the top of the Class Homepage.


The Gradebook menu contains options relating to viewing and managing your class's grades (check out Understand the Gradebook).

For Gradebook options, click on the fourth menu from the left at the top of the Class Homepage.


The External menu contains options relating to managing documents from outside of Möbius:

For External options, click on the fifth menu from the left at the top of the Class Homepage.

Class Details pane

The Class Details pane contains three convenient buttons that allow you to perform common instructor tasks and general information about the class you are teaching is displayed.

Class Details pane from a sample class. This is the first pane underneath the navigation menu.

The Class Details pane buttons are:

Class Info, Add Child Class and Edit Class Schedule buttons on the left of the Class Details pane.

  • Class Info —Click to modify the details about your class (check out Edit a class). Example — Class message
  • Add Child Class — Click to create a child class of your current class (check out Create a class).
  • Edit Class Schedule — Click to view and edit the Class Schedule (check out Work with the Class Schedule).


The following general information is displayed in the Class Details pane:

Right side of Class Details pane contains class name, link, instructor email, class message and calendar.

A.Class name — Name of your class.

B.Link — A clickable link for additional information.

C.Email address — The email address for the primary instructor.

D.Class message — A message to your students about the class.

E.Class Calendar — A calendar that contains class events and class dates (check out Work with the calendars).

NOTE: Multiple instructors or teaching assistants can be assigned to your class, but only the contact information of the primary instructor (C) is listed in the Class Details pane.

Units pane

Units are displayed in the Units pane.

Sample list of units in the Units pane.

A unit must contain at least one activity in order for it to be visible in the Units pane.

For an activity to be accessed by your students, it must be stored in a unit within the Content Repository.

NOTE: The organization of your units on the Class Homepage is determined by how they are arranged in the Content Repository. Check out Understand the Content Repository.

The Units pane appears on your instructor Class Homepage the same as it would for your students on the student Class Homepage.

Click on a unit to reveal the activities it contains.

Click on one of the units listed in the Units pane which is underneath the Class Details pane on the left.

Activities pane

Activity — A lesson or assignment in Möbius.

The activities that you have created in the Content Repository are listed in the Activities pane.

List of sample activities in the Activities pane, which is underneath the Class Details pane on the right.

The Activities pane appears on your instructor Class Homepage the same as it would for your students on the student Class Homepage.

Click on a unit in the Units pane to display its contained activities in the Activities pane.

NOTE: The organization of your activities on the Class Homepage is determined by how they are arranged within units in the Content Repository. Check out Understand the Content Repository.

Class Homepage activity status icons

Activities listed in the Activities pane display a range of icons as a quick indication of the status of an activity based on your attempt history.



Gray circle to indicate that an activity is available for attempts.

Available for attempts — You can begin your first attempt at the activity.

Green circle with a green check mark to indicate that an activity is completed.Completed — You've passed the activity or your attempt is awaiting manual grading.
Red circle with a red X to indicate that the minimum criteria for an activity weren't met.

Criteria not met — Your attempt didn't meet the minimum requirements be considered complete or your attempt didn't meet the minimum requirements to be considered as passed.

Yellow circle with right-pointing yellow arrow to indicate that an attempt at an activity can be resumed.In progress — Your attempt is in progress and is able to be resumed.
A gray circle with a gray slash through it to indicate that an activity can't be attempted.Unavailable for attempts — The activity can't be attempted at this time.
Yellow circle with a question mark to indicate that your pass/fail status of a submitted attempt is hidden.Progress not disclosed — Your attempt status of passed or failed the activity is hidden.

TIP: Hover your cursor over an activity status icon to reveal a tool tip that explains the status of the associated activity.

Hover your cursor over an activity status icon for a tool tip.

TIP: Check out Complete an activity (instructor) for information about trialing an activity on your Class Homepage from a student's perspective.