View the assessment dashboard and navigation menu

You can access the Dashboard for any Möbius Grading assessment that has been created for your Learning Management System (LMS) course, by clicking the corresponding assessment link in your course:

In Mobius Grading, the Dashboard is shown with headings 'Overview' and 'Assessment Details'.

Select Dashboard from the navigation menu in Möbius Grading to return to the Dashboard at any time.

After clicking the top left nav menu, the first option in the dropdown is the Dashboard.

View the Overview statistics for an assessment

The Overview section of the dashboard provides overall progress data for your assessment.

The Overview section of the dashboard shows numbers of scanned and fully marked assessments.

Check out this table for an explanation of each statistic in the Overview section:

ScannedCounts the number of student attempts that have some work scanned in (for paper assessments only)
Total ExamsCounts the number of student attempts with uploaded and submitted work (for remote assessments only)
Fully MarkedCounts the number of student attempts that are fully graded in Möbius Grading
StudentsCounts the number of students listed in Möbius Grading
Exams GeneratedCounts the total number of exam copies generated for downloading and printing (for paper assessments only)
Fully ScannedCounts the number of exam copies that have every page of the complete exam scanned in (for paper assessments only)
Not ScannedCounts the number of exam copies that haven't been scanned in (for paper assessments; only appears if these exist)
Partially ScannedCounts the number of exam copies where scanning was incomplete, where pages were missed or the barcode couldn't be read (for paper assessments; only appears if these exist)
Not AssignedCounts the number of exam copies that have been scanned in but not matched to a student in Möbius Grading (for paper assessments; only appears if these exist)

View the assessment Details table

The Assessment Details table displays per-question progress data for the assessment:

The Assessment Details table has rows for each question and the columns Question, Marked, Unmarked, Mean Mark, Speed and Histogram Charts, with Settings and Edit Exam in the far right of the table heading.

A. Question — The question number, along with the maximum grade that can be awarded for the question.

B. Marked — The number of student attempts at this question that have been graded.

C. Unmarked — The number of student attempts at this question that haven't been graded.

D. Mean Mark — The average mark of all student attempts at this question that have been graded.

E. Speed — Analytics (questions per hour, time per question) for the speed of grading the students' work.

F. View question's histogram chart — Clickable button to view a histogram of all grades awarded for this question.

G. Settings — Clickable button for assessments availability and feedback settings (check out Schedule assessments and manage feedback settings).

H. Edit Exam — Clickable button to go back to the assessment creation interface and change questions in the exam.

TIP: When editing an assessment, you'll see the same interface you use when creating the assessment and its questions. Check out Create a remote homework assessment for details on the interface for remote assessments, or check out Create an in-class paper assessment for details on paper assessments.

View the Möbius Grading Students list

The list of students and their assessment grades is accessed through the Students option in the navigation menu.

After clicking the top left nav menu, the second option in the dropdown menu is 'Students'.

Check out Manage the students list in Möbius Grading for further information on viewing and updating the list of students and their assigned mark for an assessment.

View the Möbius Grading Marking interface

The improved Möbius Grading workflow for graders is accessed through the Marking option in the navigation menu.

After clicking the top left nav menu, the third option in the dropdown menu is 'Marking'.

Check out Grade student submissions for further information on the grader interface in Möbius Grading and assigning grades to students work.

TIP: Check out Create an in-class paper assessment for more details on the additional Download Exams and Upload Exams options only visible for paper assessments.


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