Schedule assessments and manage feedback settings

The settings of an assessment control the availability of grades and feedback to students after grading has been completed, as well as dates and times a remote assessment is available to students for completion online.

TIP: Check out Grade student submissions for details on the grading process and the feedback that graders can enter in Möbius Grading to provide back to the students.

Edit remote assessment settings and availability

The settings for remote assessments include date and time restrictions on the availability of the assessment to students, as well as options for late submission.

To edit the assessment settings:

  1. Click Settings on the Assessment Details section of the dashboard.

In Mobius Grading, the Dashboard is shown with the Assessment Details table. The Settings button is in the top row on the far right of the table.

  1. Customize the availability settings for the assessment:

Settings window with Open to students, Set open date and Allow late submissions highlighted.

PropertyDefault settingExplanation of property
Open to studentsOn

On — Allow students to access the assessment before the Due Date.

Off — Don't allow students to access the assessment.

Set open dateOff

On — Enable the Open Date field to set a date before which students can't access the assessment.

Off — Don't enable the Open Date field; allow students to access the assessment anytime before the Due Date.

Allow late submissionsOff

On — Allow students to upload and submit responses after the Due Date, subject to the Late Penalty settings.

Off — Don't allow students to upload and submit responses after the Due Date.

  1. Edit the Due Date and Open Date using the drop-down calendar tool.

On the Settings page, the top row Due Date and Open Date are highlighted, and under Due Date a calendar tool is open with a date and time selected.

NOTE: The dates and times will be set in the time zone of your device, as indicated in the heading of the Due Date field.

  1. (Optional) If Allow late submissions is enabled, use the Late Penalty slider to set the automatic calculation of the penalty subtracted from grades for any late submissions.

On the Settings dialog box, the fourth row of options is labelled Late Penalty (10%), with a slider to change the percentage and radio options for Per Hour and Per Day.

  1. Click Save Settings to save and close the Settings dialog box.

On the Settings dialog box, the Save Settings button in the bottom right corner is highlighted.

Release grades and feedback to students

In Möbius Grading, you have the flexibility to set what level of feedback is visible to students.

To make grades and feedback available to students:

  1. Toggle Students can view results on the Settings dialog box.

In the Settings dialog box, the 'Students can view results' toggle button is enabled.

TIP: The additional feedback settings only appear after Students can view results is turned on in the Settings dialog box.

  1. Customize the additional feedback settings for the assessment:

On the Settings page, the 2nd row of options with toggle buttons is highlighted. The options are Hide scores, Hide comments, Hide graded comments, Show grader name and Show chart.

PropertyDefault settingExplanation of property
Hide scoresOff

On — Don't show the total question scores to the student as part of the feedback.

Off — Show the total question scores to the student as part of the feedback.

Hide commentsOff

On — Don't show the ungraded comments from the graders to the student as part of the feedback.

Off — Show the ungraded comments from the graders to the student as part of the feedback.

Hide graded commentsOff

On — Don't show the graded comments from the graders to the student as part of the feedback.

Off — Show the graded comments from the graders to the student as part of the feedback.

Show grader nameOff

On — Show the name(s) of the grader(s) to the student as part of the feedback.

Off — Don't show the name(s) of the grader(s) to the student as part of the feedback.

Show chartOff

On — Show the question's histogram chart (with frequency and mean scores for all students) to the student as part of the feedback.

Off — Don't show the question's histogram chart (with frequency and mean scores for all students) to the student as part of the feedback.

  1. Click Save Settings to save and close.

On the Settings dialog box, the Save Settings button in the bottom right corner is highlighted.


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