Manage the students list in Möbius Grading

Once an assessment has been created in Möbius Grading, you can use the Students page to view the list of students who will complete the assessment, as well as perform tasks related to managing the students submissions for the assessment.

To view the Students page, click to open the navigation menu and select Students:

After clicking the top left nav menu, the second option in the dropdown menu is 'Students'.

TIP: Check out View the assessment dashboard and navigation menu for more details on the navigation menu and its options.

Updating the students list from your Learning Management System

The Students List table contains a list of all students in Möbius Grading for this assessment.

This list is automatically populated based on enrollment in your Learning Management System (LMS) course.

If student enrollment in the LMS course has changed, you should manually update the list by clicking Update Users From LMS:

On the right of the page above the table, the Update Users from LMS button is highlighted.

Options for remote assessments

For remote assessments where students are expected to upload their work into Möbius Grading, the Students List table displays a list of students and their grades:

The table on the Students List page contains First Name, Last Name, User ID, Assigned Exam, and Mark columns; as well as icons for View uploaded files, View activity logs, Upload files on behalf of student, and Override due date for student.

A. Assigned Exam — Lists all files uploaded by the student for the assessment.

B. Mark — The overall assessment grade for the student, or "No Score" if grading hasn't been completed.

C. View uploaded files — Clickable button to preview each file uploaded by the student.

D. View activity logs — Clickable button to view information about student or grading activity for the assessment.

E. Upload Files on behalf of student — Clickable button to upload and submit file(s) for the assessment on the student's behalf.

F. Override due date for student — Clickable button to change the assessment due date for the student (Example — the student has been provided an extension or special consideration).

Options for in-class paper assessments

For in-class paper assessments, the Students List table displays a list of students, and the scanned exams and grades that are assigned to those students:

The table on the Students List page contains First Name, Last Name, User ID, Assigned Exam, and Mark columns; as well as icons for View uploaded files, View activity logs, and unassign exam.

A. Assigned Exam — The barcode of the scanned exam, or "Exam Not Assigned" if there isn't any scanned work for the student.

B. Mark — The overall assessment grade for the student, or "No Score" if grading hasn't been completed.

C. View uploaded files — Clickable button to view the scanned exam assigned to the student.

D. View activity logs — Clickable button to view information about student or marking activity for the scanned exam.

E. Assign/Unassign Exam — Clickable button to assign a scanned exam to the student, or to unassign the current assigned exam for the student.


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