Edit an assignment
NOTE: A new assignment that's created in a parent class is automatically inherited (except for the Text to show at the head of each page and Text to show on the results page) by a child class. Changes made to that parent class’s assignment are inherited by a child class as follows:
- Changes to the assignment name, short name, and description are inherited
- Changes to the text to show at the head of each page and on the results page aren't inherited
- Changes to the assignment questions are inherited
- Changes to the assignment properties aren't inherited
- Changes to the assignment Policy Set (if a Policy Set was applied) are inherited
NOTE: To edit an inherited assignments within your child class, inherited assignments first need to be cloned into your child class to:
- Assignment name
- Short name
- Description
- Questions/Content
Check out Clone content. After the assignment is cloned, you're then able to edit the assignment to suit your class's needs. The following items of an inherited assignment can be edited without first needing to clone the assignment into your child class:
- Text to show at the head of each page
- Text to show on the results page
- Assignment properties
- Policy Set that's been applied
Edits made from the child class will only apply to that child class and its descendants.
IMPORTANT: If an existing activity currently has active attempts, you'll first need to force grade the active attempts in order to enable your ability to edit the activity's properties (Example — deciding to change the time limit for an assignment with in-progress attempts first requires force grading). Check out Force grade an activity.
To edit an existing assignment:
Click Content Repository on the Class Homepage.
Click Assignments in the Current Class pane.
Click the unit that holds the assignment to be edited.
Click the name of the assignment to be edited.
NOTE: Students with active attempts at your assignment are displayed in the Active field.
If a student has an active attempt at the assignment, you will not be able to edit that student's assignment version in the Assignment Editor. Click Force Grade in the Content Repository to have access to that version of the assignment to edit. However, Force Grade will submit the student's attempt. The Force Grade button is only visible if there are active attempts by students. Check out Force grade an activity.
Click Edit.
You can now edit all details, content, and properties of the assignment in the Assignment Editor the same as you would if you were creating the assignment.
- In the 2. Select Questions tab, use the edit icon
to use the Question Editor to edit individual questions.
- In the 2. Select Questions tab, use the arrows
on questions and question groups to access their respective edit menus.
NOTE: If there are active attempts by students at the current assignment, you will not have access to any icons in the Assignment Editor.
NOTE: You won't be able to edit any component of an assignment in a parent class if there are active attempts within a related child class. You'll need to investigate the Content Repository of each child class to see if there are any active attempts that require force grading (check out Force grade an activity). Once these attempts are force graded in the child class(es), you'll be able to resume with editing the assignment.
Click the save icon
IMPORTANT: After making your edits to a question in the Question Editor, be sure to click the save icon. Your edits to questions will not be saved without clicking this icon. If you fail to click this icon before leaving the Question Editor, a warning message will appear stating that your changes will not be saved. Click Cancel to return to the Question Editor and then click the save icon
This save iconis separate from the Save button in step 8.
Click Save.
A success message appears after saving your changes. Click OK to continue.