Author an ungraded Math App
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An ungraded Math App presents an embedded MapleTM worksheet that the student can explore without the final state of the Math App being submitted for grading.
NOTE: A Math App is created as a Maple worksheet (.mw file extension) and can only be created using the MapleTM software program. The Math App Maple worksheet is then referenced by Möbius by either uploading the worksheet or entering a MapleNet URL (if you have access to a MapleNet server). Access to Maple software and existing knowledge of the Maple language allow you to author Math Apps. Check out the Maple online help for more details on using Maple.
In general, an ungraded Math App is used within a lesson so that your students can manipulate the Math App's interactive components to help solidify their understanding of a lesson concept.
Students can explore the visualization abilities of your ungraded Math App without having to worry about getting the right answer while navigating through the pages of your lesson.
You could also consider including an ungraded Math App in an assignment where the ungraded Math App acts as an exploratory tool that students can manipulate during their attempt in answering a question.
TIP:Möbius Content Packs contain pre-built Math Apps (without grading procedures) that you can import into your class! You can include these Math Apps in your activities instead of building your own for ungraded exploration by your students. Check out Import a Content Pack.
TIP: Want to apply grading to your Math App in your activity? Check out the Grading details for Math App questions section in the Author a Math App question help topic.
Include an ungraded Math App in a lesson
To include an ungraded Math App in a lesson:
Create a lesson using the Lesson Editor.
TIP: Check out Create a lesson for reminders of how to access the Lesson Editor.
While adding content to your lesson, click New Math App from the (A) Page arrow
or (B) content block pane.
TIP: You can also import an existing Math App from your Content Repository:
Click (A) Import or (B) Import from Content Repository.
Select the check box of the Math App that you want to import into your lesson and click Import.
With the imported Math App selected, click the Edit content icon
within the Lesson Editor.
Resume at step 3 of Include an ungraded Math App in a lesson to edit the existing Math App as needed to fit your lesson.
(Optional) Name the Math App to help you identify it in your lesson's Navigation pane and in the Content Repository.
(Optional) Enter a introductory text if instructional information is missing from the Math App's Maple worksheet that you'll be using.
Select the radio button of the source of your Math App Maple worksheet:
- Select the Worksheet File option to upload a Maple worksheet.
- Click the Choose Worksheet icon
and select your Maple worksheet from your Class File Manager.
NOTE: The Maple worksheet that you select must be uploaded from your Class File Manager. Check out Manage folders in the Class File Manager to learn about storing and managing supplementary content like Math App Maple worksheets.
- If you have access to a MapleNet server, select the Worksheet URL option and enter the MapleNet URL of your Math App worksheet.
(Optional) Define the width that you want your Math App to have when viewed in the question:
Select the % radio button and manually define the percentage (between 0.0 and 100.0) of the page that you want the Math App to span.
Select the px radio button and manually define the width in pixels (between 200 and 1000) that you want the Math app to span.
TIP: If you've entered a custom value for the worksheet width, click the Default Worksheet Width icon to restore the default width setting of 100.0%.
(Optional) Define the initialization parameters.
TIP: Initialization parameters must first be defined in the Math App's Maple worksheet within the startup code using the InitParams procedure. The InitParams procedure must be defined within the Actions module. The InitParams procedure must then be exported in order to be referenced by Möbius.
TIP: You can declare both static variables and algorithmic variables in Math App questions. These declared variables are initialized by the Math App when the question is loaded. The variable name entered in the Initialization Parameters text field in Möbius must match the parameter declaration in the InitParams procedure in the Math App's Maple worksheet. If you want to pass an algorithmic variable to the Math App, first define the variable in the Algorithm pane of the Question Editor in Möbius, then assign the value of the parameter to this algorithmic variable in the Initialization Parameters field.
Select the No Grading radio button for the type of grading for the Math App.
NOTE: Selecting the No Grading option will ignore the Maple worksheet's grading procedure if the Math App was authored with a grading procedure in the Maple software program.
(Optional) Continue editing your ungraded Math App as you would for any other piece of content (Example — add custom CSS).
Click Save & Close to return to the Lesson Editor to continue working on the rest of your lesson.
NOTE: Your ungraded Math App is saved to the lesson as well as under Math Apps in the Content Repository.
Include an ungraded Math App in an assignment
To include an ungraded Math App in an assignment:
Create an assignment using the Assignment Editor.
TIP: Check out Create an assignment for reminders of how to access the Assignment Editor.
Click New Question from the (A) Add Questions pane or (B) Add drop-down list (if content already exists in your assignment) to author a new question that contains an exploratory ungraded Math App.
TIP: You can also import an existing Math App from your Content Repository:
Click Import Question from the (A) Add Questions pane or (B) Add drop-down list (if content already exists in your assignment).
Select the check box of the Math App that you want to import into your assignment and click Import.
With the imported Math App selected, click the Edit content icon
within the Assignment Editor.
(Optional) Edit the imported Math App as needed to fit your assignment in the same way that you'd edit a Math App within a lesson. Follow steps 3 to 7 of the Include an ungraded Math App in a lesson section of this help topic and then resume at step 5 of this tip.
Navigate to the Grading Type pane and select No Grading.
Click Save & Close to return to the Assignment Editor to continue working on the rest of your assignment.
Follow the instructions for Author a Math App question, but be sure to select No Grading for the Math App component.
NOTE: The Weighting of the component is automatically set to 0 when No Grading is selected. This means that the Math App won't contribute to the student's assignment grade.
TIP: You can continue to add other Möbius components to this question, but the Math App won't be graded.
Click the Save icon
to save your ungraded Math App to your assignment.
NOTE: Your ungraded Math App is saved to the assignment as well as under Math Apps in the Content Repository.