Use the built-in system values as variables

Möbius has some built-in system variables that are available to be used in questions.

NOTE: Other content types (Example — text, Math Apps, Interactive Narratives) in both lessons and assignments can also use algorithmic variables.

The following variables are available to be used:

  • $de_mobius_school_name — Returns the name of the current Möbius site, as seen in the title bar of your browser tab or on the login page.
  • $de_mobius_tenant_id — Returns a unique ID corresponding to the current Möbius site.
  • $de_mobius_student_id — Returns the Global ID corresponding to the user currently viewing the question.

TIP: Administrators can find a user's Global ID by searching for their account in the System User Manager. Check out View a user's profile for more details.

Like algorithmic variables defined in the Algorithm section of a question, these system variables can be referenced elsewhere in the Algorithm section.

These system variables can also be used in:

  • Answer fields or grading code fields of any Möbius component
  • Question text and hints
  • Feedback for the full question, or for a student response component

NOTE: Variable names must start with the $ (dollar sign) character (Example$m). To use the actual dollar sign character in your question, use \$. The use of the backslash character (\) is reserved as an escape character in algorithmic command syntax. Use \\ to insert the actual backslash character. Check out Follow Algorithm Editor syntax rules.