View system settings

The System Settings page is comprised of several panes that are used to manage the back-end functionality of your organization's Möbius site.

Only administrators can view the system settings.

IMPORTANT: Please contact DigitalEd Support for help with changing your system's settings. Changing a system setting can risk breaking your Möbius site. This help topic is for informational purposes only.

To view the system settings

To view the system settings for your Möbius site:

  1. Click System Admin on the System Homepage.

System Admin is third menu in top navigation of System Homepage.

  1. Click System Settings.

System Settings is second option under System Admin menu on the System Homepage.

  1. The system settings are displayed for your Möbius site.

The System Settings page fields are shown.

System Settings pane

The System Settings pane displays the configuration of details pertaining to your organization (Example — school logo, time zone) and some other information pertaining to the Möbius site's functionality (Example — allowed file upload size and file extensions).

Fields relating to overall system settings.

Mail Settings pane

The Mail Settings pane displays the configuration of email settings.

Fields relating to mail server settings.

Authentication Settings pane

The Authentication Settings pane displays the user authentication and validation settings.

Fields relating to user creation and authentication.

MapleNet Server Settings pane

The MapleNet Server Settings pane displays the settings that control the integration of MapleNetTM.

The selected protocol is also displayed.

Fields relating to MapleNet and Math Apps.

LTI Settings pane

The LTI Settings pane displays what grades are being exported to the Learning Management System over LTI when a student has submitted multiple attempts at a single activity (since Learning Management Systems can currently only store one grade in their gradebooks).

Fields relating to LTI integration and Grade Export

SAML Settings pane

The SAML Settings pane displays the SAML configuration if single sign-on is in use.

Fields relating to SAML integration.

Privacy Policy Settings pane

The Privacy Policy Settings pane displays that users are required to accept a privacy policy agreement before accessing Möbius.

Fields relating to privacy policy.

Filter Input pane

The Filter Input pane displays if filters have been applied to instructor and student input which detects entries that contain invalid HTML code or cause Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

Fields relating to input filtering.

Custom CSS Styles pane

The Custom CSS Styles pane displays any custom CSS that's been defined.

This custom CSS is applied to every page in the platform and overrides Möbius's default styling.

Custom CSS applied to the site.

Custom <head> HTML pane

The Custom <head> HTML pane displays any custom code (Example — extra CSS, JavaScript files, custom scripts, etc.) that's applied in the <head> tag of every page in the platform.

Custom HTML applied to the header of the site.

Custom Footer HTML pane

The Custom Footer HTML pane displays any custom code (CSS is recommended) that's applied just before the closing </body> tag.

Custom HTML applied to the footer of the site.

IP Address/Host Name Groups pane

The IP Address/Host Name Groups pane displays predefined groups of IP masks and host names.

Student access to an activity can be restricted to the computers in these groups.

Fields relating to groups of IP masks and host names.

TIP: Check out Define assignment properties for more information on this setting.

HTTP Response Headers pane

The HTTP Response Headers pane displays any headers for HTTP responses that have been defined.

Fields relating to HTTP response headers.