Digital Tools

The Three Rs of Creating Content for Online Math Courses

Jonny Zivku
Jonny Zivku
Director, Product Marketing

Creating Online Math Course

Online math course creation can benefit from a familiar concept: the three Rs—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. When I was a little guy in elementary school, I learned about theses three Rs. Teachers taught these principles as ways to take care of the environment and better utilize resources around us.

The idea of the three Rs stuck with me long after my elementary school days. They continue to serve as valuable ways to improve our lives, the environment, and those around us. However, we don’t have to limit these concepts to environmental practices. We can also apply them to online math course creation, especially when focusing on efficiency and sustainability.

In this blog, we will explore how the three Rs—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle—can simplify and enhance your online math course creation process.

Table of Contents

  • Reduce Time Spent Creating Your Online Math Courses

  • Reuse Existing Course Materials for Effective Online Math Courses

  • Recycle and Improve Online Math Course Materials

  • Conclusion: Sustainable Online Math Course Creation with the Three Rs

Reduce Time Spent Creating Your Online Math Courses

Rather than using multiple tools that overlap each other and duplicate efforts, consider adopting a single solution. This approach saves time and prevents the frustration of managing multiple tools with the same purpose. Möbius by DigitalEd offers intuitive authoring, a modern experience, and unparalleled support. It’s the perfect solution for all your math course needs. Plus, it cuts down the time needed to get your courses up and running online.

Reuse Existing Course Materials for Effective Online Math Courses

Your school adopts a brand new LMS. Your department switches publishers for your math textbooks. And, that open-source online homework tool you’ve devoted yourself to for the last five years has suddenly been deprecated. Don’t start from scratch every time something changes!

Did you know: Möbius lets you bring in your existing materials – PDFs, Word docs, Google Docs, or LMS homework – and powers them up right before your eyes in minutes! (Let us show you how it’s done, request a demo to see it in action!)

Recycle and Iterate Online Math Course Materials

You shouldn’t feel locked into publisher solutions or outdated technology. Confusing systems can prevent you from improving your course materials. Instead, you need the flexibility to recycle old content and enhance it with innovative options.

With Möbius, you can continuously iterate and improve your materials with streamlined authoring and content management tools. This ensures you’re always in control of your course content.

Conclusion: Sustainable Online Math Course Creation with the Three Rs

By reducing, reusing, and recycling, you not only create more efficient online math courses but also contribute to a more sustainable approach to education. Let us partner with you on this journey to simplify your online math course creation.



Jonny Zivku is a seasoned product marketer in the field of education technology, boasting a rich experience spanning over 15 years. His journey has been marked by a relentless dedication to empowering schools and educators to excel in delivering top-tier STEM courses. Jonny’s commitment lies in bridging the gap between technology and education, ensuring that students have access to the best tools and resources to thrive in today’s dynamic world.
