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experts to get up and running quickly

Möbius Content Packs offer the best of pre-built, publisher-quality STEM course content and open educational resource (OER) models coupled with boundless customization possibilities so that your content is the perfect fit for your curriculum.

A solid jumping off point

Möbius Content Packs offer a solid jumping off point to get going with creating and delivering your STEM course, providing you with optimal authoring workflows and best practices that you can use to build out the rest of your course materials.

Make it your own

Full privileges to modify content to suit the needs of your curriculum and teaching style, in addition to elevating it with your own authored content.

Don’t compromise on question authoring

Pre-built questions—which include sophisticated grading schemes and algorithms—provide you with thousands of examples for how to ask the right questions for your STEM classes.

Groundwork for a full course

Pre-built lessons and assignments showcase various delivery methods, organizational strategies, and expert-level implementation so that you can understand the different ways Möbius can be leveraged for your students.

Bundled Content

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Möbius Mathematics Readiness

You are entrusted with preparing your students with the skills and knowledge to succeed as they graduate and move on to tertiary education.

How can we provide readiness that accurately measures a student’s capabilities, while maintaining equal accessibility and without causing math anxiety?

Möbius has a robust solution to Math readiness:

  • Student self-assessments and readiness tools like Möbius allow for flexible and dynamic learning pathways that boost confidence
  • A dozen different complex question types that can successfully evaluate student knowledge
  • Adaptive assignments that automatically generate practice questions with immediate feedback and interactive discovery tools
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Content Pack Catalog

Leverage Möbius’ technology to the fullest with our library of STEM Content Packs that are available for purchase to get your course started

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Abstract Vector Spaces
Analytic Geometry
Angular Momentum
Application of Integrals
Applications of Derivatives
Applications of Integrals
Applications of Integration
Applications of the Derivative
Arithmetic of Decimal Numbers Fractions Complex Numbers Functions Polynomials (Factoring) Radicals
Basics of Trigonometry Angles the Unit Circle and Fundamental Identities
Complex Numbers
Confidence Intervals
Congruence and Modular Arithmetic
Conic Sections
Consumer Finance
Continuous Functions
Continuous Random Variables
Coordinate Systems
Critical Points
Descriptive Statistics
Differentiable Functions
Differential Equations
Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables
Dimensional Analysis
Directional Derivatives and Gradient Vector
Discrete Random Variables
Double Integrals
Equations and Inequalities
Equations and Inequalities Linear Quadratic Rational Proportions Unit Conversions Radical Absolute Value
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Exponential Functions
First Order Differential Equations
Fixed-Axis Rotation
Fluid Mechanics
Functions and Graphs
Functions including Linear Functions
Functions: Linear Functions
Further Applications of Trigonometry
Graph Theory and Networks
Graphical Representation and Applications
Graphs Applications and Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Graphs of Scalar Functions
Hypothesis Testing with one and two variables
Identities and Equations
Implicitly Defined Functions
Independence and Basis
Inner Product Spaces
Introduction to Calculus
Introduction to Differential Equations
Introduction to Interest
Investment Analysis
Language of Mathematics
Laplace Transforms
Limits and continuity
Linear Diophantine Equations
Linear Functions
Linear Mappings
Linear Momentum and Collisions
Linear Regression and Distribution
Linear Second Order Differential Equations
Linear Transformations on R^n
Linear Vector Differential Equations
Loans and Debts
Logarithmic Functions
Logical Analysis of Mathematical Statements
Mappings of R^2 into R^2
Mathematical Induction
Mathematical Objects Decimal Numbers Fractions Complex Numbers Polynomials Radicals Functions
Matrix Algebra
More on Zeros of Polynomial Functions
Motion Along a Straight Line
Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Multiple Integration
Multivariable Calculus
Newton's Laws of Motion with Applications
Optimization Problems
Orthogonal Diagonalization and Applications
Parametric Curves and Polar Coordinates
Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates
Periodic Functions
Polar Equations Complex Numbers and Vectors
Polynomial and Rational Functions
Polynomial Functions
Power Functions
Power Series
Probability and Counting Theory
Properties of Functions
Proving Mathematical Statements
Quadratic Functions
Qualitative Methods
Rational Functions
Review of Functions
Sampling and Data
Second-Order Differential Equations
Sequences and Series
Sequences Probability and Counting Theory
Series and Convergence
Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
Subspaces of R^n
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Systems of Linear Equations
Taylor Polynomials and Taylor’s Theorem
Techniques of Integration
The Central Limit Theorem
The Chain Rule
The Chi-Square Distribution
The Greatest Common Divisor
The Linear Approximation
The Normal Distribution
The RSA Public-Key Encryption Scheme
The Unit Circle: Sine and Cosine Functions
Triangles and Applications
Trigonometric Identities and Equations
Triple Integrals
Units and Measurement
Vector Calculus
Vector-Valued Functions
Vectors in R^n
Vectors in Space
Work and Kinetic Energy

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