
Level Up Your Math Homework Strategy: Small and Frequent is the Way to Go

Natalya Kulagina
Natalya Kulagina
Product Owner

Student is doing online math homework

It’s no secret that homework is a crucial part of student success, particularly in challenging subjects like math. However, are we truly making the most of this valuable learning tool? As the product manager for Möbius, I’m always excited to explore new research and strategies that help instructors enhance the student learning experience.

In this blog, we will go over how frequent, short assignments can boost student outcomes in math and how Möbius can help implement this strategy effectively.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Short and Frequent Homework Assignments Matter

  2. The Challenges of Implementing a Frequent Homework Strategy

  3. How Möbius Can Help You Implement a “Little and Often” Homework Strategy

Why Short and Frequent Homework Assignments Matter:

A recent study titled  “Little and Often: Causal Inference Machine Learning Demonstrates the Benefits of Homework for Improving Achievement in Mathematics and Science” offers some compelling insights. Researchers found that frequent, short homework assignments lead to the greatest gains in math achievement. While their focus was on eighth graders, I believe these findings are just as relevant for higher education.

Think about it: short, regular assignments help students stay engaged, build confidence, and get immediate feedback on their understanding. It’s a fantastic way to combat math anxiety and encourage a growth mindset. From conversations I’ve had with instructors, this rings true. One of our longtime customers – a professor teaching mathematics – shared a story with us last year that exemplifies the impact of well-structured assessment. By providing frequent practice quizzes for their students, they’ve seen remarkable outcomes, including better engagement and deeper learning.

The Challenges of Implementing a Frequent Homework Strategy:

But let’s be real, implementing this approach can be tough. Grading piles of homework can quickly become overwhelming, even with teaching assistants. With students often taking multiple attempts on quizzes, manually grading all of these isn’t sustainable. And relying solely on basic auto-grading, like multiple-choice questions, doesn’t cut it either. Mathematics demands more complexity.

That’s where Möbius comes in. Möbius is designed to streamline your workflow and empower you to create engaging, effective homework assignments while limiting or completely eliminating manual grading.

Here’s how Mobius can help you implement a “little and often” homework strategy:

  • Dive Deep with Diverse Question Types:

    Möbius offers a wide variety of question types tailored to STEM subjects, allowing you to assess a wide range of mathematical skills.

  • Automated Grading that Works:

    Mobius takes the pain out of grading with its powerful automated grading. Provide instant feedback to students and reclaim valuable time.

  • Embrace the Power of Algorithmic Randomization:

    Build extensive question libraries and use algorithmic randomization to generate unique assignments for each student, promoting individualized learning and academic integrity.

  • Flexible Assignments for Every Need:

    Design a variety of assignments, from quick practice quizzes to in-depth problem sets, and easily track student progress.

With Mobius, you can provide the frequent, focused practice that students need to succeed in math—making multiple attempts, reducing their fear of failure, and boosting their confidence.

Ready to explore how Mobius can transform your homework strategy?

We’d love to hear from you!

Contact us today!
