Math Readiness

A Global Rethinking of Mathematics Readiness

Christina Perdikoulias
Christina Perdikoulias
President, DigitalEd

Across diverse contexts of mathematics education, the challenge of ensuring student preparedness for the rigors of tertiary mathematics courses remains universal

In this blog, we will explore three approaches to fostering mathematics readiness through student-driven methods: reframing readiness as a journey, promoting a growth mindset, and leveraging data-driven support. These strategies can help ensure your students are well-prepared for their future studies.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Universal Challenge of Mathematics Readiness

  2. Reframing Mathematics Readiness as a Journey

  3. Promoting a Growth Mindset

  4. Data-Driven Support

  5. Conclusion

The Universal Challenge of Mathematics Readiness:

You are entrusted with preparing your students with the skills and knowledge to succeed as they graduate and move on to tertiary education. However, many of these institutions grapple with the challenge of varied preparation levels among incoming students. Summative or placement tests provide a view into the student’s mastery of key subjects, but they alone do not serve to educate the student and help them achieve competency in mathematics. 

Let’s explore how student-driven readiness approaches ensure your secondary institution provides the best environment to prepare your students for success in their future studies.

  • Reframing Mathematics Readiness as a Journey:

    Student-driven readiness empowers learners to invest in their success. Moreover, tools like Möbius help students refine their math skills. With these tools, students can assess and develop their math skills with greater control.

  • Promoting a Growth Mindset:

    Emphasizing personalized learning and incremental progress over rigid summative assessments fosters a positive self-image as a capable mathematician. This is particularly important for student success as they prepare to transition to a more competitive and unfamiliar tertiary educational setting. Möbius allows students to consume learning materials at a self-directed pace with adaptive assignments, automatically generated questions to support independent practice, with immediate feedback to gauge learning.

  • Data-Driven Support:

    Furthermore, platforms like Möbius give instructors the means to support more students and give them more of their attention with tools to automate grading and feedback. In addition, it provides insights through robust data on student interactions with the learning material and progressive understanding, allowing institutions to tailor support to diverse needs, supporting their success regardless of starting point.


Mathematics readiness is a challenge for institutions worldwide, but student-driven approaches can help. Reframing readiness as a journey better prepares students for tertiary education. Promoting a growth mindset encourages students to see themselves as capable mathematicians. Data-driven support offers insights and tools for personalized learning and better outcomes. Tools like Möbius empower both students and teachers to achieve success, regardless of starting point. By leveraging these methods, educators can ensure students are prepared and confident in their mathematical abilities.

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