The Developmental and Intermediate Algebra Content Pack is best suited as a foundations of mathematics course often taught in post-secondary institutions and provides a customizable starting point to a complete algebra in Möbius. This Content Pack is structured with weekly lectures in mind and covers algebra and geometry core principles, serving as an excellent prerequisite to first-year college or university algebra and geometry courses. This customizable resource contains 5 units of sectioned lessons and assignments enhanced with Möbius capabilities including algorithmic questions, embedded videos, and end-of-lesson quizzes.
How does Möbius take this Content Pack to the next level?
Learn how Möbius’ unique STEM question types throughout this content provide the best STEM learning experience.
Work with over 50 configurable assessment properties when modifying existing or building your own assessments.
Lessons help to solidify difficult STEM concepts and can be modified with Möbius’ editing tools to include additional Active Learning principles.