Online Learning

Empowering STEM Minds: The Science of Learning in Action

Christina Perdikoulias
Christina Perdikoulias
President, DigitalEd

The Science of Learning in Action

STEM education isn’t just about the what of science, technology, engineering, and math. It’s also about the how of learning. Research shows that many STEM graduates feel unprepared to apply their knowledge in real-world settings. A knowledge gap exists between academic learning and practical application. This is where the “Science of Learning” comes into play.

In this blog, we will explore how the Science of Learning bridges that gap and enhances STEM education.

Table of Contents 

  • What is the Science of Learning?

  • Active Engagement in STEM Education

  • Mastery-Based Learning for STEM Success

  • Spaced Practice and Retrieval in STEM Education

  • Feedback is Fuel for STEM Learning

  • The Journey from Learning to Application in STEM

  • Key Takeaways

What is the Science of Learning?

The Science of Learning is centered around the understanding of how the brain acquires, retains, and applies knowledge. When complemented by tools and technologies that reinforce this understanding of knowledge acquisition, students are on a pathway to success. Let’s review some of the primary tenets of the Science of Learning:

Active Engagement in STEM Education

Passive listening is out; hands-on learning is in. The brain thrives in doing, experimenting, and making connections. Students learn best when they go beyond just reading about concepts; their learning is ignited when they interact and experiment with applications, respond and receive feedback to questions, and have immersive experiences like watching narrated slideshows.

Technologies like Möbius by DigitalEd are modeled on active learning principles and allow students to learn through interactive lessons and assessments—engaging them with the material and cementing their understanding of the concepts.

Mastery-Based Learning

A superficial grasp of content is fleeting, much like writing in sand before the tide comes in. True mastery, on the other hand, demands more than just exposure—it requires deliberate, targeted practice. By revisiting the material from various perspectives and providing relevant feedback, students genuinely internalize each concept.

Spaced Practice and Retrieval

We all know the shortfalls of cramming; it’s a classic but ineffective strategy. By spacing out learning sessions and encouraging active retrieval, we strengthen the neural pathways associated with long-term retention.

This method not only aids in knowledge retention but also promotes a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Using technology like Möbius, instructors can leverage spaced practice with built-in review modules and quizzes. This reinforces learning over time, helping students retain information long term.

Feedback is Fuel

Timely, actionable feedback is invaluable. When delivered in a constructive, low-stakes environment, it serves as a powerful tool for guiding students through challenging material, rectifying misconceptions, and ultimately fostering both confidence and motivation.

The process of navigating these “desirable difficulties” is where genuine learning occurs. Online platforms like Möbius have click-level understanding of student interactions with the learning material, offering instructors the opportunity to monitor student progress and provide personalized support.

Additionally, instant, actionable feedback received from the platform can correct student misconceptions and deepen their understanding as they progress through the material.

The Journey from Learning to the Application of Knowledge

In the landscape of STEM education, it’s not enough to simply teach content; we must also focus on how students learn. The Science of Learning provides us with powerful tools to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application. By embracing active engagement and mastery-based learning, we ensure our students don’t just skim the surface but truly internalize critical concepts.

Through spaced practice and retrieval, we lay the foundation for long-term retention, preparing them for the challenges ahead. And with timely, actionable feedback, we empower students to navigate complexities, build confidence, and ultimately thrive in their careers. Innovative tools and technologies like Möbius enable educators to integrate these principles into their teaching practices with ease.

In doing so, we not only enhance students’ understanding but also equip them with the skills necessary to succeed beyond the classroom. The Science of Learning isn’t just a theoretical framework—it’s a practical guide for cultivating the next generation of STEM professionals who are both knowledgeable and capable of applying their expertise in the real world.

Key Takeaways

The Science of Learning in STEM education offers a powerful framework to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application.

By incorporating active engagement, mastery-based learning, spaced practice, and actionable feedback, educators can help students master complex concepts and apply their knowledge effectively. Tools like Möbius make integrating these principles into teaching easier, preparing students for future STEM careers.

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