The Details
Why did Reykjavik University choose Möbius?
The Department of Preliminary Studies at RU offers a program, Preliminary Studies, designed for students seeking re-entry into university-level education. This program is suitable for students who may require the completion of a degree, those who have graduated from another field, or individuals pursuing a STEM degree such as engineering. Completing the one-year program qualifies students for enrollment in all university departments.
In 2019, Snjolaug was introduced to Möbius while visiting Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The team was highly impressed with the platform’s comprehensive teaching materials, exercises, and testing systems, which were readily available to educators and students alike. Following a successful pilot in one course during the spring of 2020, the department sought an RU grant to fund the implementation of Möbius for the entire department.
How has Möbius impacted learning and teaching at RU?
At RU, students have always had the option to attend classes in person or learn remotely from home. Initially, textbooks were the primary learning mode, but instructors later began recording lecture videos for student access. With the introduction of Möbius, students now have more online learning options, and they can choose whether to attend in person or remotely from home. This flexibility has made learning more accessible for many students.
“Returning students need to further their education with us. Many are mature students who have families and children. So Möbius allows them to work whenever they want to, and with automatic grading of practice questions, they do not have to wait for teacher feedback.”
What are the students saying about Möbius?
Students have provided positive feedback about their Möbius course, expressing satisfaction with the ability to complete assignments at their convenience, leading to improved performance among previously struggling students. The questions in Möbius are based on English textbooks, translated into Icelandic, allowing students to study a complex subject like Calculus in their native language, which has proven beneficial.
What are the instructors saying?
From an instructor’s standpoint, adopting Möbius has also been well-received. “It’s a lot less work for us. We have regained much time using Möbius, plus there is a benefit to the students.”
“Möbius is working very well. The students are using it and have a favorable view of its use. We have streamlined how our instructors use it for homework and practice, but we still use paper for testing, but we may try it for our tests and quizzes.”
For more information on how Reykjavik University uses Möbius, read the guest blog written by Snjólaug Steinarsdóttir and Þorgerður Jónsdóttir, “Unlimited Practice and Instant Feedback Hone Students’ Skills.”