Author a vector of formulas sub-type

This sub-type is authored by selecting the Vector of formulas option from the Sub-type drop-down list during mathematical formula question authoring.

Examples of accepted syntax for defining the Answer field value for this sub-type are:

  • (2, 5)
  • (2, 4*t, 7*t+1)

The vectors of formulas sub-type Answer field:

  • Accepts an ordered list of numbers or formulas separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses (Example — a Cartesian point or a vector).
  • Accepts the full range of functions in the formulas (trigonometric functions, log, ln, abs, and sqrt).

  • Accepts equivalent responses.

  • Is recommended for questions about Cartesian coordinates or vectors.

TIP: Be sure to author instructions for your students to inform them to enter a list of formulas separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses.

NOTE: The vector of formulas question is one of the ten sub-types of the mathematical formula question. Check out Choose a mathematical formula question sub-type for an explanation of each of the ten available mathematical formula question sub-types.

TIP: Check out Author a mathematical formula question for full question authoring instructions.

Example of this sub-type

  • Question statement:

Find the minimum point of the given function:

(x-2)2 + 5

Provide your answer as a list separated by commas. Enclose your list in parentheses.

  • Answer field syntax:


Example of this sub-type with an algorithm

  • Question statement:

Find the minimum point of the given function:


Provide your answer as a list separated by commas. Enclose your list in parentheses.

  • Algorithm:
Copy this code
$a = rint(1,6);
$b = rint(2,10);
$bottomrange = $a-2;
$toprange = $a+2;
$plot = plotmaple("plot((x-$a)^2 + $b, x=$bottomrange..$toprange), plotoptions='width=250, height=250'");

NOTE: This is how this example question looks:

  • Answer field syntax:


NOTE: The dollar sign ($) character can only be used in mathematical formula questions when it's a part of a variable name. Be sure to define algorithmic variables in the Algorithm pane in order to use them in the Answer field.